Death Gun/ Desu Gan Anime Cosplay Mask. DIY kit
Printed out of DURABLE PLA plastic. High precision model kit.
Assembly and Paint required. Difficulty: Intermediate
1 - Top of mask
1 - Bottom of mask
2 - Lense holders
2 - Lense insets
2 - Breather/filter piece
4 - Head strap/buckle + fasteners
Death Gun Desu Gan Anime Character Cosplay DIY Mask kit
Assembly Instructions:
1a. Remove any small particles, bits of flash, burrs, etc. on the item. Gluing, finishing and painting the pieces and the final design is your choice.
1b. Glue the bottom mask piece to the top, using tape to hold the parts together as the adhesive dries. You can use any adhesive of your choice, super glue is the quickest.
--- The four circular pieces are the Lens Holder and Buffer insert. You will need these if you choose to use lexan/Plexiglass/Glass pane/Mesh lense inserts. These bits lock everything snug in place, and will take some sanding to fit perfectly.
--- The four head strap tabs attach to the four large holes on each side of the mask. You can use a small nut and bolt to secure them, or you can carefully superglue the fastener to the tab, making them permanently fixed. Elastic Band or Velcro works best.
--- Lightly sand the bottoms of the breather parts as well as the contact areas on the jaw of the mask. Apply adhesive, attaching the piece as necessary and let dry fully.
2. If you are satisfied with the surface of the item out of the box, skip this step.
(Next is paint prep)--- Prepare the item surface for spray paint, airbrush, Acrylics, etc. by sanding the entire surface with 150-300+ grit sandpaper. Next, using 50-91% Isopropyl Alcohol (Rubbing Alcohol) and clean cloth, wipe the entire surface of you item. Then allow the item to dry completely. You may use a hairdryer to speedup the process.
3. After drying, the surface should now be free of any oils, adhesives and micro dust particles from sanding. Ready to paint. I strongly suggest purchasing a spray paint that contains the primer mixed with the paint. Krylon and Rustoleum both sell Primer+Paint Spray cans (Sticks to all plastics for example) there are other similar varieties worldwide.